AG Mehr Sendezeit (inactive)

The working group “More airtime for the independent scene in public service media” was set up at the plenary session on May 22, 2017.

  1. Objective:
    Measurably increase the media presence of the independent scene (e.g. in 2018 compared to 2017)
    Set up broadcasting slots if not already available / more broadcasting time (quantitatively more)
    New formats (qualitatively more, e.g. features)
    Increase & consolidate expertise among those responsible for FS
  2. Time frame:
    by mid-June: make inquiries with personal contacts of the WG participants
    By mid-July: Develop battle plan based on initial discussions / further contacts / which topics to address / develop resources
    (Public) events on the topic (1st kick-off VA took place as part of the 2018 Performing Arts Festival), more are planned for 2019
    Overall timeframe: approx. end of 2019
  3. Working method
    Arouse enthusiasm for FS: cross-disciplinary, depict FS in its entirety, rich cultural life that is of global significance, we want to help find better access to it; give editors the chance to discover it themselves/be creative themselves
    Discussions with responsible editors, program managers
    Find an expert from FS for AG for each area; should name/identify suitable contacts and determine the status quo
    List resources (links to FS event pages from different sections etc.)
    Possibly: Scouts/board of trustees/committee for constant exchange and increasing competence

    AG members: Bettina Bohle, Friederike Hofmeister, Walter Bickmann, Franziska Jahnke
    Contact person: Bettina Bohle